DX Code of Conduct

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DXCC QSL Card Checking

 The Tom Vavra, WB8ZRL
Card Checker Page

Tom Vavra, WB8ZRL, was a long-time ARRL DXCC card checker for the EIDXA. Tom was an avid DXer who held DXCC #1 Honor Roll. He became a Silent Key on October 12, 2021.

Mike Nowack, NA9Q, is a card checker. Mike lives in Milan, IL, in the Quad Cities area and is our club treasurer, so he is usually at club meetings, or can be reached via his email address:  NA9Q 

In addition, Glenn Johnson, WØGJ, can check cards for you. Glenn makes it to most meetings, but you can also contact him via his email address from QRZ.com.