DX Code of Conduct

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EIDXA Meetings

EIDXA meets quarterly, in January, April, July and October. Normal meeting location is the Mercy Medical Center Hall-Perrine Cancer Center, located south of downtown Cedar Rapids at the intersection of 10th St SE, 8th Ave SE and Mount Vernon Rd SE (a visual aid to this site is provided below). Meetings are occasionally held at alternative sites, which will be clearly announced on this page. The doors open for eyeball QSOs at about 6:30 PM and the formal meeting starts at 7:00. We generally have a program of interest following the business meeting.

Following the meeting, we meet for pizza and refreshments at Godfather's Pizza at 3647 1st Avenue SE in Cedar Rapids (in the Town & Country Shopping Center). Getting to Godfather's Pizza is EASY! Click here for a map and directions.

For minutes of the most recent EIDXA meeting, scroll down the page or click here.

For minutes of previous meetings, see the EIDXA Minutes Archive.

Next EIDXA Meeting:

  Date:  Friday, October 11, 2024.
  Time:  Doors open at 6:30 PM; Meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
  Location:  Hall Perrine Cancer Center rooms A & B at Mercy Medical Center.
  Program:  Paige, KØPZH, will tell about her experiences as a new YL ham
                  operating the contest superstation at PJ2T during the
                  2023 CQ WW SSB contest.
              ► Also, this is the meeting for election of officers for the coming year.
                  If you would serve on the nominating committee or if you are
                  interested in serving in any capacity, please let KØJGH know.

We plan to continue using Zoom at the Meetings. The Zoom link will be emailed to members before the meeting via the EIDXA Email Reflector.

The Mercy Medical Center complex is located south of downtown Cedar Rapids, at the intersection of 10th St SE, 8th Ave SE and Mount Vernon Rd SE (701 10th Street SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403). Please see the aerial photo map of the meeting location provided below. In addition, we have an interactive Google map of the area.

There is free parking directly in front of the Hall-Perrine Cancer Center.

Enter Hall-Perrine Cancer Center through the northeast doors. The conference rooms are adjacent to the entrance. There are no steps to get to the conference rooms.

We hope to see all of our club members at the meeting. Please consider bringing a non-member ham guest!

Following the meeting, we will meet for pizza and refreshments at Godfather's Pizza at 3647 1st Avenue SE in Cedar Rapids (in the Town & Country Shopping Center). Getting to Godfather's Pizza is EASY! Click here for a map and directions.

Meeting Location: (You may click on the photo map for a larger version.)Mercy Medical Center aerial view
Parking is free in the parking lot in front of the Hall-Perrine Cancer Center. Enter from 10th St SE -- parking is to your right from the roundabout. Please enter Hall-Perrine through the northeast entrance, as marked above. The meeting room is adjacent to the entrance, and is stair-free. For a customizable view of the area, check out this interactive Google Map.

EIDXA Meeting Minutes

Minutes of EIDXA Club Meeting, April 12, 2024, at the Mercy Medical
Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

  • Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by President Glen Kesselring,
  • A sign-up sheet was passed around, and members announced their
    names. 18 members were present and one visitor AAØKW Joe, who was
    the program speaker. There were several Zoom participants.

  • George NG7A was not present for minutes. Todd KKØDX read them from
    the web site.
  • Gayle KØFLY moved to accept.

  • Mike NA9Q gave a treasurer’s report along with a nice spreadsheet
    of our financials. The General Fund had $200 of income and $135
    of expenses in the past 3 months for a healthy checkbook balance.
    The Hise DX Fund has a good current balance.
  • Motion to approve the treasures report by Terry WØAWL. Gayle KØFLY
    second. Motion passed.
  • Tom WØWP and Jim NOØB did an audit of the club books, and no
     problems were found.


  • Jim WØSR reported that he only one application that was approved
    but the applicant has never returned to a meeting.

  • Craig KØCF was not there due to his wife in Hospice in serious

  • No report.

  • George NG7A was not there.

  • Gayle KØFLY reported he has three programs lined up for the
    balance of the year.

DXpedition FUNDING:
  • Terry WØAWL presented three requests for our consideration:
  • A letter from Glenn WØGJ was discussed regarding information
    about a military operator going to FT4GL – Glorioso.
A motion for FT4GLwas made by Gayle KØFLY for $100 from
      general fund and $100 from Hise fund. Terry WØAWL second.
  • Glenn WØGJ and a team of nine others are scheduled to go to
    CY9 St.Paul from August 26 to September 5th.
A motion was made by KØFLY for $200/$200 and second by
      Terry WØAWL. Motion passed.
  • The N5J Jarvis operation has made a request.
A motion by Tom WØWP for $100/$100 was made. Jim WØSR
      second. Passed
  • Jim NOØB requested a review of our grid that is used to
    determine donation requests. Some may not know the criteria
    and maybe we should be allowing for more weight for member needs.
NOØB, WØAWL and W3ACO will review the grid used for DXpedition

  • Rich W3ACO has a request for funding for another YL candidate
    for his “HAENDEL YL Operators Fund” It was discussed but tabled
    until the next meeting.
  • Made an inquiry to see if checkbook signatures have been changed.

  • Glen KØJGH brought up the subject of looking for things that
    can get us motivated in the hobby now that many of us have all
    DX countries worked. Doing what we have loved for our goals of
    the hobby getting dimmer and several of us have spouses now
    gone we really have some voids to fill. Looking to being an
    Elmer, cleaning out old equipment and pass on to newbies in the
    hobby. Maybe trying a new mode. Some food for thought.

  • Motion to adjourn by Terry WØAWL second by Tom WØWP.


  • A very good program by Joe Spinks on comparing features of the
    Flex vs Yaesu FTdx-10.

Minutes are respectfully submitted by Glen, KØJGH, President.

For minutes of previous meetings, see the EIDXA Minutes Archive.