Eastern Iowa DX Bulletin
240, September 20, 2024
Craig Fastenow, KØCF, Editor
This bulletin is a compilation of currently active DX operations (or those that will become active within the current week) from recent issues of the three DX bulletins listed below and other sources. Credit for the source is given at the end of each article.
Articles are ordered by the entity's callsign prefix from the ARRL DXCC Entities List. Callsigns used are in bold with dates of operation highlighted in red. Clickable links are provided for QSL and other information wherever possible. Note that articles may be edited for grammar, language, style and accuracy and will remain in The Bulletin while active; articles that are announcements of ongoing operations, or that have no specified end date, will be removed after three weeks.
Also included is a Propagation section, updated daily; and a Contest Calendar of upcoming popular contests.
DX News
items are courtesy of:
The ARRL DX Bulletin
The bulletin is available at
425 DX News, A.R.I. DX Bulletin (425DXN)
Edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ
& Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
425 DX News Home Page:
425 DX News Google Group:
DX Newsletter (DXNL)
Edited by Andreas Salder, DK5ON
A weekly service of DARC Committee
Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX)
Edited by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW.
Although OPDX is no longer
published as a weekly bulletin, Tedd
still sends DX news emails.
We will occasionally publish some of
Propagation data is from:
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration's
Space Weather Prediction
Dr. Tony Phillips',
used by permission
Contest data
courtesy of the WA7BNM
Contest Calendar
3D2/R, ROTUMA I. Callsigns 3D22 (Three Delta Twenty-two) and 3D2V
will be used by the Rebel DX Group during their upcoming activity
from Rotuma. SuperFox keys valid from September 20th to October 30th (
have been issued for both callsigns. FT8 will be prioritized ("CW and
SSB less important") and plans are to use both FT8 SuperFox and
multistream MSHV on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m (same bands but different
frequencies); on 160-30m only multistream MSHV will be used. The Rebels
plan to set sail for Rotuma on September 24th or 25th, with the voyage taking around 48 hours. Bookmark for updates. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS.
-[425DXN # 1742 September 21, 2024] (0920-1101)
Stephane, F4JZW, signs 4L/F4JZW
until September 30th
on 80-6m with 10W and a wire. QSL via LoTW.
-[DXNL # 2421 August 28, 2024] (0830-1004)
5B, CYPRUS. Milan remains active as 5B/S55DX from Mount Olympus (SOTA. CY-001) until September 21st. QSL via S55DX.
-[DXNL # 2424 September 18, 2024] (0920-0927)
Vlad, OK2WX will be active as 5H1WX
from Mafia Island (AF-054), Tanzania from September 18th to October 6th.
He will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 80-10 meters. Detailed QSL policy as
well as other information on
QSL via I8KHC.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024] (0913-1011)
5W, SAMOA. Barry, KD6XU, is QRV as 5WØBP until September 23rd. Activity is on 20 and 17 meters using CW and FT8 from various POTA locations. QSL via LoTW.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 35 September 19, 2024] (0920-0927)
Pista, HA5AO will be active from the area of the Victoria Falls in
Zambia from September 14th to 23rd on 6m - 80m (CW/SSB/FT8) using the
callsign 9J2AO.
-[DXNL # 2423 September 11, 2024] (0913-0927)
9K, KUWAIT. Special callsign 9K9KSA marks their neighbor’s Saudi National Day from September 19th to 25th. QSL via
-[DXNL # 2424 September 18, 2024] (0920-0927)
A2, BOTSWANA. Pista, HA5AO will be QRV as A25AO from Chobe National Park from September 24th to October 4th. QSL to HA5AO.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 35 September 19, 2024] (0920-1004)
A4, OMAN. Special event station A43KSA is QRV until September 26th as part of Saudi Arabia National Day. QSL direct.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 35 September 19, 2024] (0920-0927)
Radio amateurs from UAE will join the celebrations in Saudi Arabia (see
below) with the special callsign A6ØARS from September 17th to 23rd.
Op. EARS Station QSL: EA7FTR
Op. A61M QSL: A61BK
Op. A61FK QSL: A61BK
Op. A61BK QSL: A61BK
Op. A61QQ QSL: A61BK
Op. A61AY QSL: A61AY
Op. A65GC QSL: A65GC
Op. A65BR QSL: A65BR
Op. A65GD QSL: A65GD
Op. A65GJ QSL: A65GJ
Op. A65AA QSL: A65AA
Op. A65KA QSL: A65KA
Op. A65PX QSL: Direct via K3YR; QRZ; EQSL
-[DXNL # 2423 September 11, 2024] (0913-0927)
Members of Radioclub El Trauko (CE7DE), based on Chiloe Island
(SA-018), will be operating special callsigns 3G7CW (CW) and 3G7RLN (other modes)
throughout September,
with a focus on the 17th. This was the day in 1898 when Ramon Luis
Norero put a wireless telegraph system into operation across the Chacao
Channel between Chiloe and mainland Chile. ClubLog's Live Stream has
been enabled for both callsigns. QSLs direct to CE7DE.
-[425DXN # 1740 September 7, 2024] (0906-0927)
Members of DARC's Ortsverband Greifswald (DLØHGW) will be active as DL25ØCDF from August 1st to September 30th.
The special callsign marks the 250th anniversary since the birth of the
painter Caspar David Friedrich, an icon of the German Romantic
movement. A certificate will be available, see
for information. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the
bureau, eQSL and LoTW.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024] (0726-0927)
Lucy, AB3MY will be active as DU1/AB3MY
from Legazpi on Luzon Island (OC-042), Philippines on September 19th-24th.
She will operate SSB and possibly some FT8 on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10
meters. Her activity is to honor her late father, Percy Tence (PY2PD),
who lived in Brazil but was born in the Philippines, and died in a road
traffic accident in 2001. QSL via AB3MY.
-[425DXN # 1741 September 14, 2024] (0913-0927)
Here are the top 20 entities on ClubLog’s "DXCC Most Wanted" list as of
September 19, 2024:
1. P5 DPRK (North
Korea) 11.
ZS8 Prince Edward &
Marion Islands
2. BS7H Scarborough
Reef 12.
KH4 Midway Island
3. CEØX San Felix
Islands 13. VKØM Macquarie
4. BV9P Pratas
Island 14.
PYØS Saint
Peter And Paul Rocks
5. KH7K Kure
KP5 Desecheo Island
KH3 Johnston
Island 16.
VPØS South Sandwich Islands
7. 3Y/P Peter 1
Island 17.
KH5 Palmyra & Jarvis
8. FT5/X Kerguelen
Island 18.
ZL9 New
Zealand Subantarctic Islands
YVØ Aves
FK/C Chesterfield Islands
10. 3Y/B Bouvet
Island 20.
VKØH Heard Island
For the complete list, see
-[KØCF September 20, 2024 (0920-1011)
E6, NIUE. Fred, DH5FS is QRV as E6FS from Kaliki Lodge until September 30th. Activity is holiday style on various HF bands. QSL to DH5FS.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 35 September 19, 2024] (0920-1004)
EA, SPAIN. Special callsigns EG3AMCUP (from September 15th to October 14th) and AO3AMCUP (from October 15th to October 28th)
will be used by members of URE's Unio de Radioaficionats de Barcelona i
Baix Llobregat (EA3MM) during the 37th America's Cup. A certificate
will be available, see for information. QSL via EA3MM, LoTW, eQSL and QRZ Logbook.
-[425DXN # 1742 September 21, 2024] (0920-1101)
EA, SPAIN. Special event station EG2AMCUP is QRV until October 29th during the 37th America's Cup being held in Barcelona. QSL via EA3MM, ClubLog's OQRS, LoTW.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 35 September 19, 2024] (0920-1101)
F, FRANCE. Special callsign TM45CDXC draws attention to the 45th convention of the Clipperton DX Club in Montceau les Mines (Dept. 71) until September 21st. QSL via F5CWU, OQRS (
-[DXNL # 2424 September 18, 2024] (0920-0927)
FRANCE. Radioclub F6KJS de Montceau les Mines (dpt 71,
Saone et Loire)
will remember the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Genelard with
the special callsign TM44LG
from September 15th
through 29th. QSL via
-[DXNL # 2423 September 11, 2024] (0913-1004)
To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Wingles during
WWII (September 2, 1944), the local radio club (F4KLR) will be active
on August 31st,
September 2nd and for another 13 days until November 9th.
All SSB and CW QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau and
eQSL; FT8 QSOs will be confirmed via eQSL.
-[425DXN # 1738 August 24, 2024] (0830-1108)
The radio club F4KIR from Saint Malo uses the callsigns TM8ØCAL (during August)
(during September)
to commemorate their city's liberation 80 years ago. QSL via F5BNJ.
-[DXNL # 2419 August 14, 2024] (0816-0927)
IS. Paula, NX1P is QRV as FO/NX1P until
October 1st. Activity is on the HF bands. QSL to NX1P.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 33 September 5, 2024] (0906-1004)
GM, SCOTLAND. Members of the Guisborough and District Amateur Radio Club will be QRV as MSØNYM from the Isle of Lewis (EU-010) from September 22nd to 26th. QSL direct to GØUOK.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 35 September 19, 2024] (0920-0927)
HBØ, LIECHTENSTEIN. Ops Roman and Leo will be active as HBØ/DL3TU and HBØ/DL2COM respectively from the end of September to the beginning of October on CW. QSL via DL3TU and DL2COM respectively.
-[DXNL # 2424 September 18, 2024] (0920-1011)
HAITI. Special callsign 4V1SAVANNAH will be
used by the Radio Club
d'Haiti to commemorate the 245th anniversary of the Battle of Savannah
from September 16th
to October 20th. In 1779, more than 500 volunteers
from Saint-Domingue (the French colony which later became Haiti),
fought alongside American colonial troops against the British Army
during the siege of Savannah, an encounter of the American War of
Independence. QSOs will be uploaded to ClubLog. QSL via N2OO.
-[425DXN # 1740 September 7, 2024] (0913-1018)
HL, SOUTH KOREA. Operators Jong DS5ACV/p, Terry DS5DNO/p, Hoya DS5MNO/p and Cho HL5JYS/p will be active from Isu Island (AS-081), WWL PM44ix starting around 0100 UTC on September 21st until around 0700 UTC on September 22nd
(30 hours). They will operate CW, FT8 and some SSB on 40, 20, 17, 15,
12, 10 and 6 meters. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log. QSL
for all callsigns via DS5DNO.
-[425DXN # 1739 August 31, 2024] (0920-0927)
Saudi Amateur Radio Society (HZ1SAR) will use special callsigns HZ94ND, 7Z94ND and 8Z94ND to celebrate
Saudi National Day on September
Based on the number of lunar years, Saudi National Day commemorates the
renaming of the Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz to the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia (September 23, 1932). QSOs will be uploaded to ClubLog.
National societies from the Gulf Cooperation Council's neighboring
countries are expected to join the celebrations and be active around
September 23, including:
Bahrain Amateur Radio Society,
Kuwait Amateur Radio Society,
Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society,
Emirates Amateur Radio Society,
-[425DXN # 1740 September 7, 2024] (0906-0927)
ISØ, SARDINIA. Luca, IK5AEQ will be QRV as ISØ/IK5AEQ on September 26th-28th from POTA sites in the rare province of Oristano on mainland Sardinia (EU-024). Then from September 29th to October 6th he will be active as IMØ/IK5AEQ from San Pietro Island (EU-165). He will operate SSB, RTTY and FT modes on 40-2 meters. QSL via LoTW, ClubLog's OQRS, or via IK5AEQ.
-[425DXN # 1742 September 21, 2024] (0920-1011)
JA, JAPAN. Watch for JA4GXS/4 and JN4JXL/4 to activate Kasado Island (AS-117) on September 21st on 40-17m (CW, SSB, FT8/4). QSL via JA4GXS and JN4JXL respectively.
-[DXNL # 2424 September 18, 2024] (0920-0927)
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Rhein Ruhr DX Association
Tom, OE4EIE is active as OE4RRDXA
from July 1st to
September 30th.
QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and ClubLog; paper QSL cards will not be
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024] (0705-0927)
Special event station OE5ØLOW
is QRV during
September to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the G-QRP
Club. QSL direct to OE7AFT.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 32 August 29, 2024] (0830-0927)
The special event stations OE2XXM
and OE5XXM
will be active during
September around the 38th International amateur radio
meeting in Gosau. QSL via bureau.
-[DXNL # 2414 July 10, 2024] (0830-0927)
Special callsign OE7ØVIE
marks the 70th anniversary of Vienna International Airport (IATA code
VIE) from June 21st
to September 30th. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS
(preferred), LoTW in due course, or via OE6VIE.
-[425DXN # 1729 June 22, 2024] (0621-0927)
OZ, DENMARK. Dieter, DF2SD is active holiday style as OV9R from Fano Island (EU-125) until September 28th. QSL via LoTW, eQSL and ClubLog's OQRS for paper cards.
-[425DXN # 1742 September 21, 2024] (0920-1004)
Special callsign PH8ØLIB
will be in use from various locations from September 11th until November
to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of southern
Netherlands in the autumn of 1944. Activity will be on 80-10 meters
SSB, CW and digital modes. See
for detailed information. QSL via the bureau.
-[425DXN # 1740 September 7, 2024] (0906-1108)
Special callsigns SN1ØØP,
SN1ØØL, SN1ØØN, SN1ØØPLN and SN1ØØBP will used
from September 1st
to December 31st
for the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Bank Polski SA and
the introduction of the zloty (PLN), Poland's official currency. The
activity is organized by the Polish Amateur Radio Association. A
certificate will be available, see
for the details. QSL via the bureau.
-[425DXN # 1740 September 7, 2024] (0906-0927)
Dirk, ON5CT will be active as SV8/ON5CT
from Samos Island (EU-049) until
October 6th.
He operates SSB, FT8 and RTTY on 80-6 meters. Paper QSLs will not be
available, but QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW, eQSL and ClubLog.
-[425DXN # 1741 September 14, 2024] (0913-1011)
GREECE. The Salamis Radio Amateurs Group will be active as
SX8AS on
September 16th-30th
from Salamina Island (EU-075). QSL via LoTW and
-[425DXN # 1740 September 7, 2024] (0913-1004)
The 6O3T
team arrived in Hargeisa, Somaliland, on September 11th. On September
13th, they were "waiting for the customs clearance of the equipment,
which as expected will take a few days. For this reason, no exact dates
have been communicated regarding our on-air operation". If all goes
well, they should be ready for the installation of the first of five
stations in the coming days. Follow
for updates. Full upload to LoTW 12 months after the DXpedition. QSL
via ClubLog's OQRS,
or direct to IV3DSH.
-[425DXN # 1741 September 14, 2024] (0913-1004)
TZ, MALI. Jeff, TZ4AM is QRV until September 30th. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using mostly CW and SSB. QSL via KX4R.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 35 September 19, 2024] (0920-1004)
& NEVIS. Once again John, W5JON will be active as V47JA from St. Kitts
(NA-104) from September
18th to October 1st. He will operate SSB and FT8 on the
160-6 meters. QSL via LoTW, or direct to W5JON.
-[425DXN # 1741 September 14, 2024] (0913-1004)
V5, NAMIBIA. Gunter, DK2WH is QRV as V51WH from Omaruru until November 12th. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters, including 60 meters, using SSB, FT8, and possibly CW. He will be active as V55Y in various contests. QSL to DK2WH.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 35 September 19, 2024] (0920-1115)
VE, CANADA. Chris, VO1CH will be active again as VO2VC from Zone 2 in Labrador from September 26th to October 3rd, including an entry in the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest. QSL via LoTW, ClubLog's OQRS, or via VO1CH.
-[425DXN # 1741 September 14, 2024] (0920-1004)
AUSTRALIA. From September
14th to 29th, VI7POL
will be on air on the
occasion of the 7th National Police Week. QSL via VK5PAS, eQSL
or LoTW.
-[DXNL # 2423 September 11, 2024] (0913-1004)
San, VU2TT will be QRV in several contests with special call sign AT5T from September 7th to November 28th.
QSL via LoTW.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 33 September 5, 2024] (0906-0927)
Special event station AT78I
is QRV until
November 13th to celebrate 78 years of independence for
India. Activity is on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via VU2JOS.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 31 August 22, 2024] (0823-1115)
Harald, DF2WO will be active again as XT2AW from Burkina
Faso from September
8th to 22nd. He plans to operate SSB and FT4 on 80-10
meters and QO-100. QSL via MØOXO's OQRS and
-[425DXN # 1739 August 31, 2024] (0906-0927)
CUNHA & GOUGH I. Lance, W7GJ will be active as ZD9GJ from Tristan
da Cunha (AF-029) approximately
from September 12th
to October 1st. This will be primarily a 6m EME
DXpedition, using Q65-60A in the "Q65 Pileup" mode. See
for detailed information and instructions. When not "aimed up at the
moon", he may operate SSB or FT8 on 6m TEP. QSL via LoTW, or direct to W7GJ.
-[425DXN # 1739 August 31, 2024] (0906-1004)
Propagation (Updated daily)
The Weekly Solar Data chart plots Solar Flux Index (SFI), Sunspot number (SSN) and Planetary K-Index (Kp) for the past 8 days. With 8 Planetary K-index readings each day, only the minimum, average and maximum K-index values are plotted. Note: You may click here or on the chart above to see the same data for the past month.
The Daily Solar Flux Index, Sunspot number, Planetary
Solar Flux predictions and Solar Flare data used in this bulletin have
been collected by
KØCF from from the U.S. Department of Commerce's NOAA
Space Weather Prediction Center.
The propagation graphs above are the creations of KØCF and are unique
in space weather reporting.
Please Note: The graphs are high resolution .PNG files which you may view in greater detail using your browser's "zoom" feature. Alternatively, right click on the graph and select "Open Image in New Tab" to enlarge it, or "Save Image As..." to save it to your computer for further analysis.
NASA's current view of the Sun at a wave- length of 131 Angstroms. This wavelength shows incredible solar detail. Click here or on the image to view as a full screen 48-hour video loop. It is fascinating! |
For the 8 day period from Thursday, September 12th through yesterday, September 19th.
The average solar flux was 170, down 48 points from the previous week,
with a weekly high of 201 on Thursday, September 12th, followed by
a low of 161 on September 19th.
The average sunspot count was 111, down by 67 from last week,
peaking at 160 on Thursday, September 12th followed by a
weekly low of 68 on September 15th.
The Planetary K-index weekly average was 5.3 with a
maximum of 7.7 on Tuesday, September 17th, resulting
in strong geomagnetic storm conditions. Yesterday's K-index maximum was 4.7 with generally quiet conditions.
Solar flare activity since September 13th has been moderate with
7 major flares, the largest of which was a major X 4.5 event on
Saturday, September 14th.
Major solar flares, Friday, September 13th through 1159 UTC, September 20th.
# | Date | UTC | Mag. |
1 | Sep 14 | 1529 | X 4.5 |
2 | Sep 14 | 0741 | M 3.0 |
3 | Sep 13 | 1756 | M 1.4 |
4 | Sep 13 | 1508 | M 1.2 |
5 | Sep 13 | 0837 | M 2.9 |
6 | Sep 13 | 0656 | M 5.4 |
7 | Sep 13 | 0137 | M 1.6 |
(NOAA's graph of recent flare activity: GOES-X-Ray-Flux)
From the NOAA Space Weather Prediction
here are the probabilities of major solar flares and the predicted 10.7
cm Solar Flux for the next 3 days. NOAA updates this information daily.
Date | M-Flares | X-Flares | Solar Flux |
Sep 20 | 45% | 10% | 160 |
Sep 21 | 45% | 10% | 155 |
Sep 22 | 45% | 10% | 150 |
Looking farther ahead, here is the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center forecast of 10.7 cm radio flux and maximum Planetary K-index (Kp) for the next 12 days. This data is updated by NOAA every Monday (last updated on September 16, 2024).
D Region Absorption
Conditions in the D-region of the ionosphere
have a dramatic effect on HF communications. The D-Region Absorption
map combines the effects of solar particles and
photons. Yellow to red colors on the map depict increasing signal
attenuation, where the bar chart at the right displays attenuation
versus frequency. Click the
thumbnail below for an animated map of D-Region Absorption:
The Aurora
The aurora is not only beautiful to see but can have a
profound impact on HF and VHF radio propagation. For the HF operator,
auroras can result in a complete shut-down of propagation. However, on
VHF, auroras present interesting DX possibilities. Beam antennas are
very desirable and should be pointed north, towards the aurora. Signals
are reflected by “back-scatter” and will be distorted with a rough
buzz. SSB is the best voice mode to use, but copy can be difficult. CW
will have a rough buzzy sound but be perfectly copyable. Click the
thumbnail below for an animated map of aurora versus time:
for Cycle 25
Solar Flux: 336 on
August 8, 2024.
Sunspots: 382 on August
10, 2024.
X-Flare Might be in the Offing
Sunspot AR3825 has already produced two
X-flares: an X1.3
on Sept. 12th and a powerful X4.5
on Sept 14th. A third could be in the offing. The sunspot has a
delta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for additional X-class
(Copyright © September 19, 2024.
Republished by
Blue Auroras Caused by Resonant Scattering
The severe geomagnetic storm of Sept. 16-17
something that even longtime aurora watchers rarely see: Blue Auroras.
"I photographed them at dawn on Sept. 17th," says Alan Dyer, who sends
this picture from Gleichen, Alberta:
are usually green and red. Blue is very unusual. It takes a strong
geomagnetic storm to produce them -- plus one extra ingredient. "High
altitude sunlight was hitting the blue rays," explains Dyer.
The process is called "resonant scattering." At the top of the aurora
zone, ionized nitrogen molecules (N2+) naturally produce blue light.
The blue glow is usually too faint to see. However, when these ions get
hit by morning sunlight, they capture and re-emit photons from the sun,
amplifying the blue color.
(Copyright © September 19, 2024.
Republished by
Propagation web sites
(Excellent Maximum Usable Frequency map)
A Propagation
The solar X-ray flux tracks solar activity and solar flares.
flux, which can vary from as low as 50 to as high as 300, influences
the level of ionization in the F2 region of the ionosphere, providing a
very good prediction of HF DX conditions. The higher the solar flux,
the better conditions will be for the higher HF frequencies and even 6
meters. However, the levels need to be maintained for some days to
allow ionization in the F2 layer to build up. A solar flux of 150
results in good HF band conditions, while levels of 200 and up can
provide great conditions.
Large X-ray flares on the sun can
increase the ionization of the D layer of the ionosphere (a lower
layer) on the sunlit side of the Earth, greatly attenuating or blocking
HF radio transmissions for up to a half hour. Solar flares often
produce Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) which, if Earth directed, can
lead to geomagnetic storms. Some large flares are also accompanied by
strong radio bursts that may interfere with other radio frequencies and
cause problems for satellite communication and radio navigation (GPS).
Planetary K-index is a measure of the magnitude of geomagnetic storms
and is an excellent indicator of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic
field. A level of 1 or 2 represents quiet geomagnetic conditions; a
reading of 3 or 4 may cause some propagation deterioration; 5 and 6 are
minor to moderate geomagnetic storms; and 7 to 9 are strong, severe,
and extreme storm conditions. Strong geomagnetic storms can trigger
Auroral displays and cause HF radio blackouts. Higher geomagnetic
activity also has the adverse effect of lowering maximum usable
frequencies, much like lower solar flux does.
best conditions, the solar flux should be above 150 for a few days with
the K index below 2. When these conditions are met, some good DX is
-[Compiled from information on and other sources]
Contest Calendar
Weekly Contests
Contest | Start UTC | End | Web Site | |
K1USN Slow Speed Test | Monday | 0000Z | 0100Z | Rules |
ICWC Medium Speed Test | Monday | 1300Z | 1400Z | Rules |
Monday | 1900Z | 2000Z | ||
Tuesday | 0300Z | 0400Z | ||
CWops Test (CWT) | Wednesday | 1300Z | 1400Z | Rules |
Wednesday | 1900Z | 2000Z | ||
Thursday | 0300Z | 0400Z | ||
Thursday | 0700Z | 0800Z | ||
Weekly RTTY Test | Friday | 0145Z | 0215Z | Rules |
NCCC CW Sprint (NS) | Friday | 0230Z | 0300Z | Rules |
Sunday at 7:00 PM in the Central Daylight Saving Time zone, or
Sunday at 6:00 PM in the Central Standard Time zone.
Full Calendar
Contest | Start | End | Web Site | ||
Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW | Sep 21 | 1200Z | Sep 22 | 1200Z | Rules |
Iowa QSO Party | Sep 21 | 1400Z | Sep 22 | 0200Z | Rules |
Texas QSO Party | Sep 21 | 1400Z | Sep 22 | 0200Z | Rules |
Sep 22 | 1400Z | Sep 22 | 2000Z | ||
Wisconsin Parks on the Air | Sep 21 | 1600Z | Sep 21 | 2300Z | Rules |
New Jersey QSO Party | Sep 21 | 1600Z | Sep 22 | 0359Z | Rules |
New Hampshire QSO Party | Sep 21 | 1600Z | Sep 21 | 2200Z | Rules |
Sep 22 | 1600Z | Sep 22 | 2200Z | ||
Washington State Salmon Run | Sep 21 | 1600Z | Sep 22 | 0700Z | Rules |
Sep 22 | 1600Z | Sep 22 | 2400Z | ||
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY | Sep 28 | 0000Z | Sep 29 | 2400Z | Rules |
Maine QSO Party | Sep 28 | 1200Z | Sep 29 | 1200Z | Rules |
Oceania DX Contest, Phone | Oct 5 | 0600Z | Oct 6 | 0600Z | Rules |
California QSO Party | Oct 5 | 1600Z | Oct 6 | 2200Z | Rules |
Makrothen RTTY Contest | Oct 12 | 0000Z | Oct 13 | 1559Z | Rules |
Nevada QSO Party | Oct 12 | 0300Z | Oct 13 | 2100Z | Rules |
Oceania DX Contest, CW | Oct 12 | 0600Z | Oct 13 | 0600Z | Rules |
Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB | Oct 12 | 1200Z | Oct 13 | 1200Z | Rules |
Arizona QSO Party | Oct 12 | 1500Z | Oct 13 | 0500Z | Rules |
Pennsylvania QSO Party | Oct 12 | 1600Z | Oct 13 | 0400Z | Rules |
Oct 13 | 1300Z | Oct 13 | 2200Z | ||
South Dakota QSO Party | Oct 12 | 1800Z | Oct 13 | 1800Z | Rules |
10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW | Oct 19 | 0001Z | Oct 20 | 2359Z | Rules |
New York QSO Party | Oct 19 | 1400Z | Oct 20 | 0200Z | Rules |
Stew Perry Topband Challenge | Oct 19 | 1500Z | Oct 20 | 1500Z | Rules |
Illinois QSO Party | Oct 20 | 1700Z | Oct 21 | 0100Z | Rules |
ARRL School Club Roundup | Oct 21 | 1300Z | Oct 25 | 2359Z | Rules |
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB | Oct 26 | 0000Z | Oct 27 | 2400Z | Rules |
Ukrainian DX Contest | Nov 2 | 1200Z | Nov 3 | 1200Z | Rules |
ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW | Nov 2 | 2100Z | Nov 4 | 0300Z | Rules |
WAE DX Contest, RTTY | Nov 9 | 0000Z | Nov 10 | 2359Z | Rules |
10-10 Int. Fall Contest, Digital | Nov 9 | 0001Z | Nov 10 | 2359Z | Rules |
JIDX Phone Contest | Nov 9 | 0700Z | Nov 10 | 1300Z | Rules |
OK/OM DX Contest, CW | Nov 9 | 1200Z | Nov 10 | 1200Z | Rules |
North American SSB Sprint Contest | Nov 10 | 0000Z | Nov 10 | 0400Z | Rules |
LZ DX Contest | Nov 16 | 1200Z | Nov 17 | 1200Z | Rules |
ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB | Nov 16 | 2100Z | Nov 18 | 0300Z | Rules |
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW | Nov 23 | 0000Z | Nov 24 | 2400Z | Rules |
ARRL 160-Meter Contest | Dec 6 | 2200Z | Dec 8 | 1600Z | Rules |
ARRL 10-Meter Contest | Dec 14 | 0000Z | Dec 15 | 2359Z | Rules |