DX Code of Conduct

The Eastern Iowa DX Bulletin
Number 232, July 26, 2024

Craig Fastenow, KØCF, Editor

This bulletin is a compilation of currently active DX operations (or those that will become active within the current week) from recent issues of the three DX bulletins listed below and other sources. Credit for the source is given at the end of each article.

Articles are ordered by the entity's callsign prefix from the ARRL DXCC Entities List. Callsigns used are in bold with dates of operation highlighted in red. Clickable links are provided for QSL and other information wherever possible. Note that articles may be edited for grammar, language, style and accuracy and will remain in The Bulletin while active; articles that are announcements of ongoing operations, or that have no specified end date, will be removed after three weeks.

Also included is a Propagation section, updated daily; and a Contest Calendar of upcoming popular contests.

DX News items are courtesy of:
   The ARRL DX Bulletin
      The bulletin is available at http://www.arrl.org
   425 DX News, A.R.I. DX Bulletin (425DXN)
      Edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ & Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH
      425 DX News Home Page: https://www.425dxn.org/
      425 DX News Google Group: https://groups.google.com/g/425eng
   DX Newsletter (DXNL)
      Edited by Andreas Salder, DK5ON
      A weekly service of DARC Committee "DX", http://www.darcdxhf.de
   Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX)
      Edited by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW. Although OPDX is no longer
      published as a weekly bulletin, Tedd still sends DX news emails.
      We will occasionally publish some of them.
   Propagation data is from:
      National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's
          Space Weather Prediction Center 
      Dr. Tony Phillips' SpaceWeather.com, used by permission
   Contest data courtesy of the WA7BNM Contest Calendar 

DX News

4O, MONTENEGRO. Borut, S5ØB, currently signs 4O/S5ØB on 40-10m, maybe also on 6 and 4m until July 29th. QSL via S5ØB.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

5H, TANZANIA. Uli, DO4UB, is active as 5H2MUA from Tanzania, and can be heard from time to time, mostly on 10m and 15m, sometimes 20m and 80m. His QTH is near the city of Arusha, between Serengeti and Mount Kilimanjaro. He plans to post pictures on QRZ.com. QSL via DO4UB.
-[OPDX July 25, 2024]  (0726-0816)

5Z, KENYA. Mark, VK3XB, is currently back on the air as 5Z4XB from Nairobi. He is in Australia during July, but then returns to Kenya in August. QSL via VK3WIA.
-[DXNL # 2412 June 26, 2024]  (0726-0830)

9A, CROATIA. Norbert, OM6NM will be QRV as 9A/OM6NM from Losinj Island (EU-136) as a 24 Hour/Single Op entry in the RSGB IOTA contest (July 27th-28th) most likely using CW. QSL via OM2FY.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

9H, MALTA. Bill, LA8FTA will be QRV as 9H/LA8FTA from Gozo Island (EU-023) from July 23rd to August 1st. Activity will be on the HF bands using SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 26 July 18, 2024]  (0719-0802)

BY, CHINA. Members of the Ji Nan Amateur Radio Association (namely BA4KR, BA4MY, BG4NMT, BH4IQZ, BH4KRH, BI4KKC, BI4KKF and BI4LBR) will be active as BY4JN from Lingshan Island (AS-150) on July 27th-29th. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS, eQSL, LoTW, or direct to BA4MY.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0726-0802)

BY, CHINA. Team BI4SSB will be active from Cheniu Shan Island (AS-135) on July 25th-28th, IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th) included. Before the contest they might be active on 6 meters (WWL OM94vx) and via IO-117 (Greencube). QSL via via BA4TB.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0719-0802)

CN, MOROCCO. Taking part in the annual Throne Day's celebrations, members of the Association Royale des Radioamateurs du Maroc (ARRAM) will be using the special prefix 5C25 from July 25th to August 5th: e.g. CN8NOA will be using 5C25NOA. The national society (CN8MC) will be running the Silver Jubilee special event station 5C25FT. Throne Day is a public holiday in Morocco that commemorates the enthronement of the incumbent monarch. Since 1999, it has been celebrated on July 30th.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0719-0809)

CT, PORTUGAL. A group of operators will be QRV as CQ7OTA from Culatra Island (EU-145) as a Multi/Single entry in the RSGB IOTA contest (July 27th-28th). QSL via operators' instructions.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

DL, GERMANY. Members of DARC's Ortsverband Greifswald (DLØHGW) will be active as DL25ØCDF from August 1st to September 30th. The special callsign marks the 250th anniversary since the birth of the painter Caspar David Friedrich, an icon of the German Romantic movement. A certificate will be available, see https://dl0hgw.darc.de/dl250cdf.htm for information. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau, eQSL and LoTW.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0726-0927)

DL, GERMANY. Special callsign DLØSOP will be active on July 1st-31st for the 66th edition of the Sea of Peace Award (see https://dl0sop.darc.de/ for full details). QSL via ClubLog's OQRS, LoTW, eQSL, or direct to DL4SVA.
-[425DXN # 1730 June 29, 2024]  (0628-0802)

DU, PHILIPPINES. A team of operators will be active during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th) with the callsign DX7EVM/9 from Camiguin Island (OC-235). QSL via LoTW.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

DU, PHILIPPINES. A group of operators will be QRV as DX9EVM from Mindanao Island (OC-130) as a Multi Single/Low Power/Fixed Station entry in the RSGB IOTA contest (July 27th-28th). QSL via bureau.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

DU, PHILIPPINES. Christian, F4EBK is QRV as DU3/F4EBK from Luzon Island, IOTA OC-042, until January 2025. Activity is on 20, 15 and 10 meters typically around 0900 and then after 2100z. QSL via F4EUO.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 25 July 11, 2024]  (0712-0802)

DXCC TOP TWENTY. Here are the top 20 entities on ClubLog’s "DXCC Most Wanted" list as of July 26, 2024:
   1. P5     DPRK (North Korea)  11. ZS8    Prince Edward & Marion Islands
   2. BS7H   Scarborough Reef    12. KH4    Midway Island
   3. CEØX   San Felix Islands   13. VKØM   Macquarie Island
   4. BV9P   Pratas Island       14. PYØS   Saint Peter And Paul Rocks
   5. KH7K   Kure Island         15. KP5    Desecheo Island
   6. KH3    Johnston Island     16. VPØS   South Sandwich Islands
   7. 3Y/P   Peter 1 Island      17. KH5    Palmyra & Jarvis Islands
   8. FT5/X  Kerguelen Island    18. ZL9    New Zealand Subantarctic Islands
   9. YVØ    Aves Island         19. FK/C   Chesterfield Islands
  10. 3Y/B   Bouvet Island       20. VKØH   Heard Island
For the complete list, see https://clublog.org/mostwanted.php
-[KØCF July 26, 2024  (0726-0816)

E5/S, SOUTH COOK IS. Steve, ZL2KE will be active as E51KEE from Rarotonga (OC-013) on July 20th - August 2nd (including an entry in the IOTA Contest July 27th-28th), and from Aitutaki (OC-083) on August 3rd-6th. He will operate CW and SSB. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW, QRZ Logbook, eQSL, ClubLog.
  Steve, ZL4CZ will be active as E51CZZ from Rarotonga on July 27th-31st and from Aitutaki on August 1st-6th. He will operate SSB.
  The two Steves will be staying at the same beach house on Rarotonga, and at adjacent bungalows on Aitutaki. They will be QRV mainly on 20, 15 and 10 meters (also possible are 40, 30, 17 and 12 meters, 160 and 80m "depending on QRN and interest from DXers"). QSL both E51KEE and E51CZZ direct to IK2DUW.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0719-0809)

ES, ESTONIA. SP7VC and SQ7OYL and will be active as ES/SP7VC and ES/SQ7OYL during a camper trip from July 29th to August 16th. QSL via SP7VC, PayPal, LOTW.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0816)

F, FRANCE. Celebrating the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, members of the Union des Radioclubs (URC) will use TM2Ø24JOP from July 26th to August 9th, and TM2Ø24JPP on August 10th-11th and August 28th to September 9th: https://log-et-qsl.associations-radioamateurs.org/wp/boutique/
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0809)

F, FRANCE. Geoffrey, F4FVI will be active as F4FVI/p from Noirmoutier Island (EU-064) on July 26th-28th. Main activity will be on QO-100 from three different locators on the island, but he might be operating during the IOTA Contest as well. QSL via F4FVI.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0802)

F, FRANCE. Vitaly, F4WBU will operate two special callsigns in support of the 33rd Summer Olympics Games: TM33SOG (July 26th-31st) and TM24G (August 1st-11th). All QSOs will be confirmed via the bureau.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0816)

F, FRANCE. Celebrating the Olympic Games Paris 2024, members of Radio Clubs F5KDC and F4KLW will be active as TM63JO on July 26th-28th and August 8th-11th. eQSL via https://www.oly24.fr/awardform.html; paper cards will not be issued.
-[425DXN # 1727 June 8, 2024]  (0726-0802)

F, FRANCE. Fabien, F4GYM will be active as F4GYM/p from Belle Ile (EU-048) on July 26th-28th, including an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th). QSL via F4GYM or LoTW.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0726-0802)

F, FRANCE. Members of Radio-Club d'Esquerdes will be active as TM2Ø24JO from July 27th to August 10th during the Olympic Games. QSLs via the bureau to F5KAI.
-[425DXN # 1727 June 8, 2024]  (0726-0809)

F, FRANCE. Members of the Association des Radioamateurs de l'Indre will be active as TM36JO from July 29th to August 11th during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. QSL via the bureau, or direct to F5OHM.
-[425DXN # 1724 May 18, 2024]  (0726-0816)

F, FRANCE. Michel, F8GGZ will be active as TM24JOL from July 26th to August 11th, and as TM24JPO from August 28th to September 8th for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, respectively. QSL via F8GGZ.
  Several other callsigns are expected to be active during the Summer Olympics, including
   TM1ØØOG   operated by Team TM3P; QSL direct to F5PYI
   TM17JO   operated by Jean-Claude, F1HOM from Re Island (EU-032);
            QSL via the bureau
   TM2Ø24JO operated by members of Radio Club d'Esquerdes. QSL via
   TM24PRS  operated by F4DTO and F4GFE; QSL via F4DTO
   TM36JO   operated by members of the Association des radioamateurs
            de l'Indre; QSL via the bureau, or direct to F5OHM
   TM37JO   operated by F4ENK, F4ERS, F5CWU, F5SQM and F6FYA; QSL via
            F5CWU's OQRS (https://www.f5cwu.net/oqrs/)
   TM4ØJO   operated by members of the RadioPole Associatif REF-40
            (F4KLM); QSL via F6DZU and LoTW
   TM73JO   operated by F6HQP; QSL via the bureau, LoTW, QRZ Logbook
   TM8JOP   operated by Yves, F8LLA, one of the 45,000 volunteers who
            will support the Olympics
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0726-0906)

F, FRANCE. Numerous special event stations will be active around the Olympic Games:
 - TM83JO, July 26th, dpt 83 (Var)
 - TMØØJO until July 26th, and July 28th to August 11th, dpt 84 (Vaucluse)
 - TM24JOL on July 26th, and July 29th to August 11th, dpt 71 (Saone et
           Loire), op. Michel F8GGZ
 - TM63JO July 26th to 28th, and August 8th to 11th, dpt 63 (Puy de Dome)
 - TM88JO July 26th to 30th, August 1st to 6th, and August 8th to 11th, dpt 88
          (Vosges), op. Franck F4ISZ
 - TM2Ø24JOP July 26th to August 9th
 - TM51OG and TM51JO July 26th to August 9th, dpt 51 (Marne)
 - TM67JO July 26th to August 11th, dpt 67 (Bas-Rhin), ops F1LFL, F5PZT,
 - TM2Ø24OG July 26th to August 11th
 - TK2AJO and TK2BJO July 26th to August 11th
 - TM67OG until July 27th, dpt 67 (Bas-Rhin), ops F1LFL, F5PZT, F5TFW
 - TM74JO July 27th to 29th, and August 8th to 11th, Dpt 74 (Haute-Savoie)
 - TM49GO July 27th to August 10th, Dpt. 49 (Maine et Loire)
 - TM2Ø24JO July 27th to August 10th, dpt 62 (Pas de Calais)
 - TM36JO July 29th to August 11th, dpt 36 (Indre)
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0816)

F, FRANCE. Olympic Games Special Event Stations The special event station TM51JO will be active from July 26th to August 9th during the Olympic Games and the special event station TM51JP from August 28th to September 8th during the Paralympic Games. For more information see TM51JO and TM51JP on qrz.com. QSL both via F5JYD.
-[DXNL # 2411 June 19, 2024]  (0726-0809)

F, FRANCE. During the Paris 2024 Olympic Torch Relay and the actual Olympic Games, look for TM67OG to be active for fifteen days from June 25th to July 27th, and TM67JO to be active for another fifteen days from July 26th until August 11th. The operators will be F1LFL (SSB), F5PZT (FT8 and FT4) and F5TFW (CW). QSL via F1LFL.
-[425DXN # 1728 June 15, 2024]  (0621-0816)

FM, MARTINIQUE. Stefano, IW2MJQ, will be active as IW2MJQ/mm and as J87/IW2MJQ and FM/IW2MJQ from various BOTA (Beach on The Air) and POTA (Parks on The Air) locations during July. QSL direct via IK2WAD.
-[DXNL # 2413 July 3, 2024]  (0705-0802)

FS, SAINT MARTIN. Eric, GM5RDX will be active as FS/GM5RDX from July 15th to 30th. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog's OQRS, or the Bureau.
-[DXNL # 2414 July 10, 2024]  (0712-0802)

FY, FRENCH GUIANA. Thierry, FY4JI is QRV with special call sign TO973FY until August 10th to celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. Activity is on the HF bands using SSB and FT8. QSL via EA5GL.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0816)

GD, ISLE OF MAN. Eddy, ON6EF and Christiaan, ON1BN will be active as GD6EFW from the Isle of Man (EU-116) on July 26th-29th. Main activity will be during the IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th). QSL via ON6EF.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0726-0802)

GD, ISLE OF MAN. M5RIC will be active as MD7C during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th).
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

GM, SCOTLAND. Depending on weather and sea conditions, team MMØUKI will be active from the Flannan Islands (EU-118) starting on August 1st "until the first available weather window for departure on August 4th or thereafter". Plans are for five operators (Nobby GØVJG, John G4IRN, Paul G4PVM, Mike GM5AUG and Jamie MØSDV) to be QRV on 40-6 meters CW and SSB with three stations. QSL via MØOXO's OQRS.
-[425DXN # 1732 July 13, 2024]  (0726-0809)

HL, SOUTH KOREA. Team DTØIP (namely 6K2CFI, 6K2GRX, DS1TUW and DS1UDN) will be active from Munyo Island (AS-148) on July 26th-27th, including part time participation in the IOTA Contest (July 27th). They will operate SSB, CW, FT8 on 40-6 meters with two or three high power stations. ClubLog's Livestream will be enabled at https://clublog.org/livestream/DT0IP. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS, LoTW, or direct to 6K2CFI.
-[425DXN # 1729 June 22, 2024]  (0726-0802)

HS, THAILAND. Special callsign HS72KING will be used by the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand (RAST) to celebrate the 72nd birthday of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn (HS1ØA) from July 1st to 29th. "By endorsing and participating in this special event, His Majesty continues to inspire and encourage the growth and development of amateur radio in the country". QSL via LoTW and ClubLog's OQRS.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0705-0802)

I, ITALY. Team IP1X (Claudio I1NVU, Gabriele IK1NEG, Tony IK1QBT, Flavio IK1YDB, Maury IU1JCZ and Andrea IU1LCU) will be active from Gallinara Island (EU-083) on July 27th-28th for the IOTA Contest. They will operate CW and SSB on 80-10 meters. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0726-0802)

I, ITALY. Team IR3M will be active from Pellestrina Island (EU-131) on July 28th-30th. QSL via the bureau and LoTW.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0726-0802)

I, ITALY. The radio club Brindisi is going to take part in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th) as II7P from Pedagne Island (EU-091). QSL via IK7RWE.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

I, ITALY. The special event callsign IR2GMCL remains active until July 27th.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

I, ITALY. Celebrating Pesaro Capitale Italiana della Cultura (Italian Capital of Culture) 2024, members of ARI Pesaro and ARI Fano will be active as II6CIC from June 1st to August 29th. QSL via IQ6PS.
-[425DXN # 1725 May 25, 2024]  (0531-0830)

ISØ, SARDINIA. Dirk, DL1KVN will participate in the IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th) as ISØ/DL1KVN/p from the main island of Sardinia (EU-024). A "possible activation" as IMØ/DL1KVN/p from Maddalena Island (EU-041) will depend "on the local conditions and especially on the family". He will operate SSB and CW on 40-10 meters. QSL via LoTW and eQSL.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0736-0802)

J6, ST. LUCIA. Matts, SMØFPR, is currently active holiday-style as J6/SMØFPR, mainly on 20, 17, and 15m (CW) during the evening hours. The duration of his stay is unknown; he may also go on to visit Martinique (FM) and St. Vincent / Grenadines (J8). QSL via SMØFPR.
-[DXNL # 2415 July 17, 2024]  (0719-0809)

J8, ST. VINCENT. Stefano, IW2MJQ, will be active as IW2MJQ/mm and as J87/IW2MJQ and FM/IW2MJQ from various BOTA (Beach on The Air) and POTA (Parks on The Air) locations during July. QSL direct via IK2WAD.
-[DXNL # 2413 July 3, 2024]  (0705-0802)

JA, JAPAN. Take, JI3DST will be active as JI3DST/1 from Shikine Island (AS-008) on July 25th-29th, including an entry in the IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th). Other callsigns to be used outside the contest are JJ5RBH/1, JR8YLY/1 and JS6RRR/1 on CW and SSB, as well as JJ5RBH/p, JR8YLY/p and JS6RRR/p on FT8. QSOs will be made available for ClubLog and LoTW Matching on the IOTA website.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0719-0802)

K, UNITED STATES. Don, K6ZO (7Q6M) and Brian (WV8BNM) will be active as W1N from Nantucket Island (NA-046) from July 23rd to August 4th. They operate CW, SSB, FT4 and FT8. QSL via LoTW.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0809)

KH5, PALMYRA & JARVIS IS. The Dateline DX Association and George, AA7JV have announced that permission has been received from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a 13-day DXpedition to Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge starting around August 1st. Jarvis Island (OC-081) is ranked #18 on Club Log's global Most Wanted List (#9 in Europe) and was last on the air in 1990. Permission to visit has been difficult to obtain: "we have worked very hard for the past few years on this permission, and after demonstrating the success of the RIB concept with remote operators from various locations in 2023, we have received a permit that allows 4 operators on the boat to visit Jarvis with 6 stations on land". The on-site team - namely George (AA7JV), Don (N1DG), Tomi (HA7RY) and Mike (KN4EEI) - will install 6 RIB (Radio In a Box) stations on the island, and will operate CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H) on 160-6 meters. They will be accompanied by a team of three USFWS biologists conducting science. In addition, 25 remote operators from Asia, Europe and North America will be running CW and FT8. Details are expected in due course.
-[425DXN # 1714 March 9, 2024]  (0726-0816)

KH6, HAWAII. Sean, KX9X will be QRV as KX9X/KH6 from Kauai (OC-019) from July 27th to August 2nd. Activity will be holiday style on the linear and FM Satellites from Grid Squares BL01 and BL02. There may also be some occasional HF activity using QRP power. QSL via LoTW.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

KHØ, MARIANA IS. Tom, KCØW will be QRV as KHØW from Saipan (OC-086) during the RSGB IOTA contest (July 27th-28th). QSL to KCØW.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

OE, AUSTRIA. Special event station OE4ØLCR marks the 40th anniversary of the Austrian Albert Schweitzer Society until the end of July. QSL via bureau, direct, LoTW, eQSL.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

OE, AUSTRIA. Special event stations OE2XXM and OE5XXM are QRV during July around the 38th International Amateur Radio meeting in Gosau. QSL via bureau.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 25 July 11, 2024]  (0712-0802)

OE, AUSTRIA. Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Rhein Ruhr DX Association (https://rrdxa.org/), Tom, OE4EIE is active as OE4RRDXA from July 1st to September 30th. QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and ClubLog; paper QSL cards will not be available.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0705-0927)

OE, AUSTRIA. Special callsign OE7ØVIE marks the 70th anniversary of Vienna International Airport (IATA code VIE) from June 21st to September 30th. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS (preferred), LoTW in due course, or via OE6VIE.
-[425DXN # 1729 June 22, 2024]  (0621-0927)

OH, FINLAND. SP7VC and SQ7OYL and will be active as OH/SP7VC and OH/SQ7OYL during a camper trip from July 29th to August 16th. QSL via SP7VC, PayPal, LOTW.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0816)

OM, SLOVAK REPUBLIC. Special station OM8ØSNP will be active on August 1st-31st commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising (Slovenske Narodne Povstanie) during World War II. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS, LoTW, or via OM2FY.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0830)

OX, GREENLAND. Emil, DL8JJ will be active again as OX/DL8JJ from Greenland from July 26th to August 15th. In his spare time, he will operate CW (10 watts, battery powered) from the base camp at Tasiilaq (NA-151), and from various locations on the main island (NA-018). QSL via DL8JJ or LoTW.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0726-0816)

OX, GREENLAND. Matt, KØMOS, and his wife kayak around Southern Greenland from July 20th until August 4th and will be paying visits to Greenland’s coastal islands in the NA-220 and NA-018 groups. QRV during rest periods as OX/KØMOS/p on 20, 15, and 10m (SSB) with 10W. QSL direct via KØMOS, LoTW.
-[DXNL # 2415 July 17, 2024]  (0719-0809)

OZ, DENMARK. Operators DK4WW and DL7AU will be QRV as OV4W from Aaro Island (EU-172) as a Multi Single/High Power entry in the RSGB IOTA contest (July 27th-28th). QSL via LoTW.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

OZ, DENMARK. The following special event callsigns celebrate the 60th anniversary of IOTA until the end of August:
   OZ6ØIOTA (mainland),
   5P6ØIOTA/Ø  (EU-030),
   5P6ØIOTA/1  (EU-171),
   5P6ØIOTA/2  (EU-172),
   5P6ØIOTA/5  (EU-125),
   5P6ØIOTA/8  (EU-088),
   5P6ØIOTA/9  (EU-029).
For a schedule of activities see: https://www.supersaas.dk/schedule/EDR/OZ60IOTA. A number of certificates will be available, see https://www.qrz.com/db/OZ60IOTA for complete information. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS (preferred), LoTW, or via OZ1ACB.
-[DXNL # 2413 July 3, 2024]  (0705-0830)

PJ7, SINT MAARTEN. Eric, GM5RDX will be active as PJ7/GM5RDX from July 15th to 30th. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, ClubLog's OQRS, or the Bureau.
-[DXNL # 2414 July 10, 2024]  (0712-0802)

PY, BRAZIL. Fabio PY4YY, Marcio PU4MDO and Cardoso PU2LJH will be active as PV2IC from Ilha das Couves (SA-071) during the IOTA Contest's weekend (July 27th-28th). They will operate SSB and FT8 on 80-10 meters. QSL via EA7FTR; QSOs will be uploaded to ClubLog.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0726-0802)

S2, BANGLADESH. Abdullah, S21AF has been active on 17 meters using FT8 around 1930z. QSL via I8KHC.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 25 July 11, 2024]  (0712-0802)

SM, SWEDEN. OZØJ, OZ2ELA, OZ3ACB and OZ9U will be active as SM/OV2E from Senoren Island (EU-138) on July 25th-29th. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 (maybe RTTY) on the HF bands and possibly 6 meters and will participate in the IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th). QSL via ClubLog's OQRS (preferred), eQSL, LoTW, or via OZØJ.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0719-0802)

SP, POLAND. Special callsigns SO8ØPW and SP8ØPW will be active from July 29th to August 4th commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising (Powstanie Warszawskie) during World War II. QSLs via SP3PDO.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0809)

SP, POLAND. Special callsign SN91LOT will be active on July 1st-31st to commemorate the 91st anniversary of the ill-fated flight of Lithuanian pilots Steponas Darius and Stasys Girenas. On July 15, 1933, they attempted a nonstop flight from New York City to Kaunas in a small airplane named "Lituanica". After crossing the Atlantic Ocean, they crashed on July 17 when they were only 650km short of their final destination. QSL via SP1PMY.
-[425DXN # 1730 June 29, 2024]  (0628-0802)

SV, GREECE. Savas, SV2AEL will be active again as SV2AEL/8 from Ammouliani Island (EU-174, WWL KN10wh) on August 1st-10th. He will be QRV on 80-10 meters, plus 6 meters if the propagation permits. QSL via LoTW, ClubLog's OQRS, or direct to SV2AEL.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0816)

SV, GREECE. Members of the Deep Blue DX Team will be active as J48FT from Tinos Island (EU-067) from July 26th to August 9th, including an entry in the IOTA Contest. QSL cards will not be available, but QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW, ClubLog and eQSL.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0726-0809)

SV5, DODECANESE. Olli, DH8BQA is QRV as SV5/DH8BQA from Rhodes (EU-001) until July 31st. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using QRP power. This includes being an entry in the RSGB IOTA contest (July 27th-28th). QSL via LoTW.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

TA, TURKEY. A group of operators will be QRV as YM7KK/Ø from Giresun Island (AS-154) during the RSGB IOTA contest (July 27th-28th). QSL via YM7KK.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

UA9, ASIATIC RUSSIA. Vasily R7AA, Vladimir RK8A, Yuri RMØF and Alex RW3RN will be active as RIØF from Paramushir Island (AS-204) from July 28th to August 3rd. See https://dxpedition.wixsite.com/ri0f for more information. QSL via ClubLog's OQRS (preferred), or via R7AA.
-[425DXN # 1731 July 6, 2024]  (0726-0802)

UA9, ASIATIC RUSSIA. Team RI8KK (R1IB, R1II, RL1I and RG5G) will gather in Vorkuta on July 14th-16th, then will leave for Yarynskaya, on the coast of Baydaratskaya Bay. Depending on local conditions, plans are to be active from the Marresal'skiye Koshki Islands (AS-089, RR-06-02). If possible, they will also be QRV from the islands of Khaleyngo (RR-06-62) and Khalengo (RR-06-63). After that, if there is time, they will be QRV as RI1PP from the Karskaya Bay Islands (RR-06-61). QSLs via R1II.
-[425DXN # 1732 July 13, 2024]  (0712-0802)

UN, KAZAKHSTAN. Darek, SP9DLM and his son Gregor, SN9GM will be active as UN/SP9DLM and UN/SN9GM from Kazakhstan from July 25th to August 12th. Gregor is the youngest radio amateur in Poland; he passed the exam last year, when he was 10 years old. QSL via home calls SP9DLM & SN9GM (bureau preferred), LoTW, eQSL.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0816)

V4, ST. KITTS & NEVIS. Gary, GØFWX will be active again as V47FWX from St. Kitts (NA-104) from July 28th to August 24th. QSL via MØURX's OQRS.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0823)

V4, ST. KITTS & NEVIS. Eric, GM5RDX, following his activity as VP2EGM during the IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th), will operate on St. Kitts with the callsign V4/G5RDX from July 29th to 31st. QSL via GM5RDXClubLog's OQRS, LoTW, eQSL, qrz.com.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

V8, BRUNEI. Celebrating the 78th birthday of HM Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei, special callsign V84SPU will be active from July 20th to August 3rd on all bands SSB, CW and FT8. QSL direct to P.O. Box 849, MPC Old Airport, Bandar Seri Begawan BB3577, Brunei Darussalam.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0809)

V8, BRUNEI. Didier, V85NPV plans to occasionally operate as a Single Op/High Power/Non-Assisted CW only entry in the RSGB IOTA contest (July 27th-28th). QSL to V85NPV.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 27 July 25, 2024]  (0726-0802)

VE, CANADA. Pierre, VE3KTB will be QRV from Eureka Amateur Radio Club station VYØERC located on Ellesmere Island (NA-008) from July 21st to August 7th while on work assignment. Activity will be in his spare on 20, 15, and 10 meters, and possibly 17 and 12 meters, using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via MØOXO's OQRS.
-[ARRL DX Bulletin # 26 July 18, 2024]  (0719-0809)

VK, AUSTRALIA. Tom, W1EAT, will be active holiday style as W1EAT/VK4 from Hamilton Island (OC-160) from July 25th to August 5th. He will operate QRP on 20 meters only. QSL via LoTW, or direct to W1EAT.
-[425DXN # 1733 July 20, 2024]  (0719-0809)

VK9L, LORD HOWE I. Jeff, W7BRS will be active as VK2/W7BRS from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) from July 20th to August 1st, including an entry in the IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th). He will operate CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H) on 40-10 meters. See https://howeania2024.org/ for more information. (According to the Australian Communications and Media Authority's updated "Amateur Radio Call Sign Policy", VK9 prefixed callsigns can be used only by operators located in an Australian External Territory other than the Antarctic. Lord Howe Island is part of New South Wales, hence the use of VK2/ W7BRS.) QSL via MØURX's OQRS.
-[425DXN # 1727 June 8, 2024]  (0719-0802)

VP2, ANGUILLA. Eric, GM5RDX, will be active as VP2EGM during the IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th). Then, from July 29th to 31st he will operate on St. Kitts with the callsign V4/G5RDX. QSL via GM5RDX, ClubLog, LoTW, eQSL, qrz.com.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

YB, INDONESIA. Team 7E4K (ops YE4FNN, YE4KIE, YDØNXX, YBØGIN, YBØNSI, YBØANV, YBØSHR, YBØMWM, YB1TIA, YB1TJ, YB1JYL, YD2UWF, YD5NTP, and YE4LWU) puts Ketawai Island (OC-144) on the air from July 25th to 29th. They will operate "all mode" on various bands (80m excluded). QRV during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27th-28th) as 7E4C on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters SSB and CW. QSL via YE4FNN, eQSL and LoTW.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0802)

YJ, VANUATU. Chris, VK2YUS will be active again as YJØCA from Port Vila (OC-035) Vanuatu from July 30th to August 10th. He will operate SSB on 40- 10m, mainly between 2100 UTC and 1000 UTC. He does not use LoTW or ClubLog; QSL direct to VK2YUS.
-[425DXN # 1734 July 27, 2024]  (0726-0816)

YN, NICARAGUA. Rafael, NN3RP, will be active from the cities Granada, Rivas, and Somoto as YN2RP from July 24th to August 20th on 40-10m (CW, SSB, FT4/8). QSL via NN3RP, LoTW, eQSL, qrz.com.
-[DXNL # 2416 July 24, 2024]  (0726-0823)

Propagation (Updated daily)

Solar Data

The Weekly Solar Data chart plots Solar Flux Index (SFI), Sunspot number (SSN) and Planetary K-Index (Kp) for the past 8 days. With 8 Planetary K-index readings each day, only the minimum, average and maximum K-index values are plotted. Note: You may click here or on the chart above to see the same data for the past month.

The Daily Solar Flux Index, Sunspot number, Planetary K-index, Solar Flux predictions and Solar Flare data used in this bulletin have been collected by KØCF from from the U.S. Department of Commerce's NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.

The propagation graphs above are the creations of KØCF and are unique in space weather reporting.

Please Note: The graphs are high resolution .PNG files which you may view in greater detail using your browser's "zoom" feature. Alternatively, right click on the graph and select "Open Image in New Tab" to enlarge it, or "Save Image As..." to save it to your computer for further analysis.

  NASA's current view of
  the Sun at a wave-
  length of 131 Angstroms.
  This wavelength shows 
  incredible solar detail.

  Click here or on the
  image to view as a full
  screen 48-hour video
  loop. It is fascinating!
The current Sun at 131 Angstroms

Propagation Summary
For the 8 day period from Friday, July 19th through yesterday, July 26th.

The average solar flux was 183, down 43 points from the previous week, with a weekly high of 207 on Saturday, July 20th, followed by a low of 167 on July 25th.

The average sunspot count was 181, down by 63 from last week, peaking at 269 on Friday, July 19th followed by a weekly low of 160 on July 24th.

The Planetary K-index weekly average was 2.7 with a maximum of 4.7 on Friday, July 26th, resulting in generally quiet geomagnetic conditions.

Solar flare activity since July 20th has been very high with 18 major flares, the largest of which was an M 4.2 event on Saturday, July 27th.

Propagation Data
Major solar flares, Saturday, July 20th through 1215 UTC, July 27th.

  #     Date     UTC     Mag.  
1 Jul 27  1040  M 2.0 
2 Jul 27  0546  M 3.1 
3 Jul 27  0237  M 4.2 
4 Jul 26  0442  M 1.7 
5 Jul 25  1537  M 1.3 
6 Jul 24  1720  M 3.0 
7 Jul 24  0742  M 3.6 
8 Jul 23  1428  M 2.4 
9 Jul 22  1300  M 1.5 
10 Jul 22  0935  M 1.4 
11 Jul 22  0434  M 1.9 
12 Jul 22  0404  M 3.9 
13 Jul 22  0333  M 1.4 
14 Jul 21  1631  M 1.0 
15 Jul 21  0834  M 1.5 
16 Jul 21  0355  M 1.4 
17 Jul 20  1849  M 1.5 
18 Jul 20  0720  M 1.8 

   (NOAA's graph of recent flare activity: GOES-X-Ray-Flux)

From the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, here are the probabilities of major solar flares and the predicted 10.7 cm Solar Flux for the next 3 days. NOAA updates this information daily.

Date  M-Flares   X-Flares   Solar Flux 
 Jul 27 60%10%170
 Jul 28 60%10%165
 Jul 29 60%10%165

Looking farther ahead, here is the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center forecast of 10.7 cm radio flux and maximum Planetary K-index (Kp) for the next 12 days. This data is updated by NOAA every Monday (last updated on July 22, 2024).

 Date   Flux   Kp 
 Jul 27 1802
 Jul 28 1752
 Jul 29 1702
 Jul 30 1702
 Date   Flux  Kp 
 Jul 31 1702
 Aug 1 1652
 Aug 2 1652
 Aug 3 1652
 Date   Flux  Kp 
 Aug 4 1702
 Aug 5 1752
 Aug 6 1802
 Aug 7 1852

Geomagnetic Storm Watch (G1)
NOAA forecasters say that G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible today, July 27th, when a CME is expected to graze Earth's magnetic field. A similar storm on July 25th produced auroras in many northern-tier US states including Washington, Wisconsin and Maine.
(Copyright © SpaceWeather.com July 27, 2024. Republished by permission.)

Highs for Cycle 25
  Solar Flux: 242 on July 16, 2024.
  Sunspots:  283 on April 21, 2024.

Popular Propagation web sites
  https://prop.kc2g.com/ (Excellent Maximum Usable Frequency map)
  NOAA https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/

A Propagation Tutorial
The solar X-ray flux tracks solar activity and solar flares. Solar flux, which can vary from as low as 50 to as high as 300, influences the level of ionization in the F2 region of the ionosphere, providing a very good prediction of HF DX conditions. The higher the solar flux, the better conditions will be for the higher HF frequencies and even 6 meters. However, the levels need to be maintained for some days to allow ionization in the F2 layer to build up. A solar flux of 150 results in good HF band conditions, while levels of 200 and up can provide great conditions.

Large X-ray flares on the sun can increase the ionization of the D layer of the ionosphere (a lower layer) on the sunlit side of the Earth, greatly attenuating or blocking HF radio transmissions for up to a half hour. Solar flares often produce Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) which, if Earth directed, can lead to geomagnetic storms. Some large flares are also accompanied by strong radio bursts that may interfere with other radio frequencies and cause problems for satellite communication and radio navigation (GPS).

The Planetary K-index is a measure of the magnitude of geomagnetic storms and is an excellent indicator of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field. A level of 1 or 2 represents quiet geomagnetic conditions; a reading of 3 or 4 may cause some propagation deterioration; 5 and 6 are minor to moderate geomagnetic storms; and 7 to 9 are strong, severe, and extreme storm conditions. Strong geomagnetic storms can trigger Auroral displays and cause HF radio blackouts. Higher geomagnetic activity also has the adverse effect of lowering maximum usable frequencies, much like lower solar flux does.

For best conditions, the solar flux should be above 150 for a few days with the K index below 2. When these conditions are met, some good DX is likely!
-[Compiled from information on NOAA.gov and other sources]

Contest Calendar

  Weekly Contests

Contest Start UTC End Web Site
K1USN Slow Speed Test Monday 0000Z 0100Z Rules
ICWC Medium Speed Test Monday 1300Z 1400Z Rules
Monday 1900Z 2000Z
Tuesday 0300Z 0400Z
CWops Test (CWT) Wednesday 1300Z 1400Z Rules
Wednesday 1900Z 2000Z
Thursday 0300Z 0400Z
Thursday 0700Z 0800Z
Weekly RTTY Test Friday 0145Z 0215Z Rules
NCCC CW Sprint (NS) Friday 0230Z 0300Z Rules
     Note: Start Days are in UTC, e.g. Monday at 0000 UTC is
     Sunday at 7:00 PM in the Central Daylight Saving Time zone, or
     Sunday at 6:00 PM in the Central Standard Time zone.

  Full Calendar

Contest Start End Web Site
RSGB IOTA Contest Jul 27 1200Z Jul 28 1200Z Rules
Alabama QSO Party Jul 27 1500Z Jul 28 0300Z Rules
10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB Aug 3 0001Z Aug 4 2359Z Rules
North American QSO Party, CW Aug 3 1800Z Aug 4 0600Z Rules
WAE DX Contest, CW Aug 10 0000Z Aug 11 2359Z Rules
Maryland-DC QSO Party Aug 10 1400Z Aug 11 0400Z Rules
North American QSO Party, SSB Aug 17 1800Z Aug 18 0600Z Rules
ARRL Rookie Roundup, RTTY Aug 18 1800Z Aug 18 2359Z Rules
Hawaii QSO Party Aug 24 0400Z Aug 26 0400Z Rules
World Wide Digi DX Contest Aug 24 1200Z Aug 25 1200Z Rules
YO DX HF Contest Aug 24 1200Z Aug 25 1200Z Rules
Kansas QSO Party Aug 24 1400Z Aug 25 2000Z Rules
Ohio QSO Party Aug 24 1600Z Aug 25 0400Z Rules
UK/EI DX Contest, SSB Aug 31 1200Z Sep 1 1200Z Rules
Tennessee QSO Party Sep 1 1700Z Sep 2 0300Z Rules
CWOps CW Open Sep 7 0000Z Sep 7 2359Z Rules
North American Sprint, CW Sep 8 0000Z Sep 8 0400Z Rules
WAE DX Contest, SSB Sep 14 0000Z Sep 15 2359Z Rules
ARRL September VHF Contest Sep 14 1800Z Sep 16 0300Z Rules
North American Sprint, RTTY Sep 15 0000Z Sep 15 0400Z Rules
Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW Sep 21 1200Z Sep 22 1200Z Rules
Iowa QSO Party Sep 21 1400Z Sep 22 0200Z Rules
Texas QSO Party Sep 21 1400Z Sep 22 0200Z Rules
Sep 22 1400Z Sep 22 2000Z
Wisconsin Parks on the Air Sep 21 1600Z Sep 21 2300Z Rules
New Jersey QSO Party Sep 21 1600Z Sep 22 0359Z Rules
New Hampshire QSO Party Sep 21 1600Z Sep 21 2200Z Rules
Sep 22 1600Z Sep 22 2200Z
Washington State Salmon Run Sep 21 1600Z Sep 22 0700Z Rules
Sep 22 1600Z Sep 22 2400Z
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY Sep 28 0000Z Sep 29 2400Z Rules
Maine QSO Party Sep 28 1200Z Sep 29 1200Z Rules
Oceania DX Contest, Phone Oct 5 0600Z Oct 6 0600Z Rules
California QSO Party Oct 5 1600Z Oct 6 2200Z Rules
Makrothen RTTY Contest Oct 12 0000Z Oct 13 1559Z Rules
Nevada QSO Party Oct 12 0300Z Oct 13 2100Z Rules
Oceania DX Contest, CW Oct 12 0600Z Oct 13 0600Z Rules
Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB Oct 12 1200Z Oct 13 1200Z Rules
Arizona QSO Party Oct 12 1500Z Oct 13 0500Z Rules
Pennsylvania QSO Party Oct 12 1600Z Oct 13 0400Z Rules
Oct 13 1300Z Oct 13 2200Z
South Dakota QSO Party Oct 12 1800Z Oct 13 1800Z Rules
10-10 Int. Fall Contest, CW Oct 19 0001Z Oct 20 2359Z Rules
New York QSO Party Oct 19 1400Z Oct 20 0200Z Rules
Stew Perry Topband Challenge Oct 19 1500Z Oct 20 1500Z Rules
Illinois QSO Party Oct 20 1700Z Oct 21 0100Z Rules
     -[Contest data courtesy of the WA7BNM Contest Calendar ]