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EIDXA Members

Not a Member?
Becoming a member is simple: You must be a licensed amateur radio operator, have an interest in DXing and/or contesting, live within 175 miles of Cedar Rapids, and be a member of the ARRL. Dues are $20 per year, most of which goes to support DXpeditions. Dues should be sent to our Treasurer, Mike, NA9Q at his QRZ.com address. A membership application is available here. (More information can be found on the "About EIDXA" page.)

EIDXA Membership Roster (Last update: June 18, 2024)

Club Year: The EIDXA Constitution provides that "The club year for the EIDXA shall run from October 1 through September 30 of the following year." This means that dues are due and payable on the first of October each year and expire at the end of September the next year.

Dues: The "Dues" column shows the last two digits of the club year through which your dues are paid, e.g., "24" means you are paid through September 30, 2024, the end of the current club year. An "H" denotes an Honorary Member.

DXCC Standings: Taken directly from the ARRL DXCC Standings web page, each member's highest DXCC count across Mixed, Phone, CW and Digital is shown, followed by Honor Roll status: "HR" for Honor Roll, "#1" for #1 Honor Roll.
(Honor Roll: You must have a total confirmed entity count that places you among the numerical top ten DXCC entities total on the current DXCC List (example: if there are 340 current DXCC entities, you must have at least 331 entities confirmed). Deleted entities do not count towards the DXCC Honor Roll.)

Updates:  Dues status updated June 18, 2024.
               DXCC standings updated June 18, 2024.

Archive of Rosters. An archive of old rosters from 1975 on is available here.

Silent Keys are now listed in a separate table below the active members list. We are working on adding all known former club members who are now SK.

Notes: You can click on any callsign to look it up on QRZ.com.
The list is sorted by the traditional printed callbook method: by numeral first, then by suffix, and finally by prefix. Since this is a zero call area club, zeroes come before ones!

# Call Dues Name QTH DXCC HR
1 KUØA 23 Nelson Moyer Iowa City, IA 349 #1
2 KØAFN 24 Sam Burrell Burlington, IA 338
3 KØAL 24 Al Culbert Nokomis, Fl 324
4 NØAV 18 Jim Harvey Goldfield, IA 360 #1
5 WØAWL 24 Terry Cellman Cedar Rapids, IA 352 #1
6 NOØB 23 Jim Meade Tiffin, IA 280
7 WBØB 26 Larry J. Newby Denmark, IA
8 KØCF 23 Craig Fastenow Iowa City, IA 349 HR
9 KØDAS 25 Rod Blocksome Robins, IA
10 WAØDKC 24 Steven Brown Oskaloosa, IA
11 AEØDX 26 Adam Evanschwartz Cedar Rapids, IA 147
12 KKØDX 24 Todd LeMense Omaha, NE 337 HR
13 WWØE 24 Jerry Rappel Davenport, IA 318
14 KØEGQ H Karin Blankenhagen Martelle, IA
15 ADØEH 23 Rodney Larson Cedar Rapids, IA
16 KØFA 22 Randall Hollingsworth Cedar Rapids, IA 280
17 WØFG 22 Richard Hadley Vinton, IA 320
18 KØFLY 24 Gayle A. Lawson Cedar Rapids, IA 312
19 WØGJ 24 Glenn Johnson Calmar, IA 355 #1
20 WØGN 24 John Ely Scotch Grove, IA 241
21 KØGT 24 Gary Toomsen Robins, IA 353 #1
22 WØGXA 25 Bob Lee Ely, IA 259
23 WØHAF 20 Michael Hafner Letts, IA
24 WØHBK 24 Neale LeMense Cedar Rapids, IA 316
25 NAØIA 25 Steve Sawyers Marion, IA
26 KØIIR 23 Clark Pantel Muscatine, IA 349 HR
27 KØINR 24 Tom Taylor Shell Rock, IA 219
28 KØIS 24 Larry Albrecht LeClaire, IA 302
29 WØIW 18 Joe Leto Parkersburg, IA 100
30 WØIY 24 Barry Buelow Center Point, IA
31 KWØJ 25 Gary R. Huff Bettendorf, IA 105
32 KCØJFQ 18 Willy Robison N. Liberty, IA
33 KØJGH 24 Glen Kesselring Ottumwa, IA 357 #1
34 KØKT 24 William Meeker Ames, IA 365 HR
35 WBØLJK 18 Dan W. Rhoades Marion, IA 175
36 NØLNO 23 Bill Caldwell Cedar Rapids, IA
37 KØLUM 24 David Christ Iowa City, IA 100
38 AKØM 24 Steve Sutterer Cedar Rapids, IA 304
39 KEØMO 21 Tom Redlinger Keota, IA 336
40 WØNB 24 Jim Livengood Chagrin Falls, OH 358 HR
41 WØODS 23 Jeff Woods Plainfield, IL
42 WØOF 18 Bill Snyder Cedar Rapids, IA
43 NØPP 22 Juerg Tschirren Iowa City, IA 174
44 WØPPF 24 George Carsner Iowa City, IA
45 KDØQ 24 Glenn Thorne Traer, IA 348 HR
46 WØQC 24 Franklin Baker Davenport, IA 345 HR
47 ACØRA 23 Wyatt Dirks Cedar Rapids, IA
48 KØRN 19 Dave Wilson Cedar Rapids, IA
49 NØSM 23 Steve Miller Ottumwa, IA
50 WØSR 25 Jim Spencer Cedar Rapids, IA 361 HR
51 KØSRL 23 Bob Ward Davenport, IA 346 HR
52 WGØU 25 Jim Draker Palo, IA 212
53 WRØU 25 Scott Augsburger Mt. Pleasant, IA 235
54 NYØV 24 Tom Vinson Chatfield, MN 357 #1
55 KØVM 24 Al Groff Cedar Rapids, IA 306
56 KDØVVH 23 Jonathon Ahlrichs Cedar Rapids, IA
57 WØVX H Dave Jaksa Garland, TX 359 HR
58 WØWLL 19 Larry Waggoner Cedar Rapids, IA 104
59 WØWP 24 Tom Lindgren Cedar Rapids, IA 356 HR
60 NRØX 22 Jason Joens Martelle, IA
61 ACØXY 23 John Andrews Iowa City, IA 201
62 WØYWW 23 Dewey Treanor Palm Bay, FL
63 NØYY 24 Rick Heinrich Hillsville, VA 340 HR
64 4X1RU H Jim Stone 0, 0 312
65 W3ACO 24 Rich Haendel Iowa City, IA 332 HR
66 AD4OS 21 Ken Warren Anamosa, IA 169
67 KA4PKB 26 Bob Schafer Auburn, AL 283
68 K4RT H Brad Farrell Alexandria, VA 251
69 KB4SBY 22 Brice AntonJensen Hiawatha, IA
70 NG7A 24 George Cooley Cedar Rapids, IA 217
71 K8OM 24 Joe Hungate Marion, IA 351 HR
72 N9CI 25 Ken Colwell Davenport, IA 110
73 W9EAA 21 Marty Santic Davenport, IA 333
74 K9PYR 24 Ray Kratville Atkins, IA
75 NA9Q 24 Mike Nowack Milan, IL 357 #1
76 K9ZK 23 Phil McMillan Geneseo, IL

Silent Keys

# Call Name QTH
1 KZØC Jim Bohnsack Waterloo, IA
2 KØCA Cliff Ahrens Hannibal, MO
3 NØCHN Earl McClure Riverside, IA
4 NØDX Frank Weigelt Iowa City, IA
5 NØDY Jeff Davis Ladera Ranch, CA
6 WØEAN Bob Joy Cedar Rapids, IA
7 KØEGA Vern Garman Cedar Rapids, IA
8 WØEJ Wade Walstrom Cedar Rapids, IA
9 KØGVB Gary Ernst West Branch, IA
10 NBØH Jack Muckler Cedar Rapids, IA
11 WØHT Steve Towle (ex-KØSVW) Cook, MN
12 WØIZ Dale Repp Cedar Rapids, IA
13 NNØL Ron Borkgren Anamosa, IA
14 WØLBK Arlo Meyer Cedar Rapids, IA
16 ABØM Creighton L "Vern" Lang Muscatine, IA
15 WØMJN Joe Finkstein Marion, IA
17 NKØN Orville Dueker Waterloo, IA
18 NCØO Tom Hise Shellsburg, IA
19 KCØQ Jeff Russell Marion, IA
20 WØSSR Chuck Dennis (ex-WBØZKG) Toledo, IA
21 KØUYH Tim Allen Waterloo, IA
22 WØUZ John Nelson Cedar Rapids, IA
23 KØVZR Tom White Jessup, IA
24 NRØX Heinz Blankenhagen Martelle, IA
25 KAØY Ken Kucera Riverside, IA
26 WXØY Travis Walters Jr. Anamosa, IA
27 W4NIM Bob Hill Redmond, WA
28 K4VX Lew Gordon Hannibal, MO
29 W5FO Lynn Schriner (ex-WØPCO) Bella Vista, AR
30 WB8ZRL Tom Vavra Ely, IA
31 W9TW Ed Guzis Bettendorf, IA
32 EI9V Cornelius "Con" Hunter Dublin, Ireland,